Dodged into a left hand lane (out of two) between a bus and car as the car was also turning into the lane. So patently obvious the car was about to do it, even though it wasn't indicating.
Then I blazed through a red light on Newington Butts not 5 minutes later into oncoming traffic.
Just one of those "what was I thinking" mornings - if I had seen myself I would have thought "WAC".
Dodged into a left hand lane (out of two) between a bus and car as the car was also turning into the lane. So patently obvious the car was about to do it, even though it wasn't indicating.
Then I blazed through a red light on Newington Butts not 5 minutes later into oncoming traffic.
Just one of those "what was I thinking" mornings - if I had seen myself I would have thought "WAC".