Turbowolf are playing at 02 islington in April.
Warming up for ...and you will know us by the trail of dead.
I don't know Trail of Dead, but Turbowolf are by far my favourite band at the moment.
First found out about them when they opened for WolfMother last summer. missed most of their set getting pissed up, caught the last 4 songs or so and was enthralled.
Biggest regret in music was missing the whole set.
Electro Thrash punk metal in all its glory.
Turbowolf are playing at 02 islington in April.
Warming up for ...and you will know us by the trail of dead.
I don't know Trail of Dead, but Turbowolf are by far my favourite band at the moment.
First found out about them when they opened for WolfMother last summer. missed most of their set getting pissed up, caught the last 4 songs or so and was enthralled.
Biggest regret in music was missing the whole set.
Electro Thrash punk metal in all its glory.