Awesome, it gets easier and once you get comfortable going backwards with a coaster you miraculously gain the skill to go backwards really far without one as well.
I've had a freecoaster for ages now so I learnt many of my limited repertoire of tricks without the option of using pedal pressure, it definitely made learning hop 3s harder and full cabs are a bastard. I feel as though I notice every time people do the tiniest bitch crank or put a fraction of a crank in to get a bit more speed.
Awesome, it gets easier and once you get comfortable going backwards with a coaster you miraculously gain the skill to go backwards really far without one as well.
I've had a freecoaster for ages now so I learnt many of my limited repertoire of tricks without the option of using pedal pressure, it definitely made learning hop 3s harder and full cabs are a bastard. I feel as though I notice every time people do the tiniest bitch crank or put a fraction of a crank in to get a bit more speed.