• #6152
Goes to correct Brun's spelling.
[Admiral Ackbar.jpg]
• #6153
^^ Pedant.
^ Pedant's pedant. -
• #6154
He was being pedantic
I honestly did not see that or noticed it, it is sometimes not easy to tell on an Internet forum after all.
• #6155
No one did Ed; let it be ;-)
• #6156
Pedantness is next to Godliness.
• #6157
Pedantness is next to Godliness.
Pedantry is next to godliness.
• #6158
This morning I'm riding into work on my usual route and get to the bit where i turn off E&C r'bout. I come from the South and turn left onto the 1-way bus lane bit that heads up towards Waterloo etc. Knowing this route well, and i'm sure many of you do too, there is the usual chaos of buses cutting wide round the corner (which they have to, to be able to get around the corner without going over the curb). I'm riding in a smooth arc round the corner when a chap on a Boris bike a few yards in front slams on his brakes to let a bus out. I hit the brakes to scrub some speed off and alter my course by, and this bit is essential, maybe 2 inches at most to just go a bit wider than him and use the other half of the bus lane, which was clear...
At this point I hear a faint "woah-woah-woah" come from somewhere behind me, but given that I've just taken the corner smoothly and have a clear road in front of me I assume someone has gone into the Boris bike or along those lines...
Through the set of lights where the CS7(i think?) crosses and straight on down the empty bus lane towards St Johns Circus & Waterloo. Then a lady comes panting up next to me on my outside and says; "You should look over your shoulder before you move out", so I looked at her a bit taken aback and said "was it you who shouted back there", she replies "no, no, it wasn't me, don't have a go at me" so I said "well whats the issue then?" "You nearly took out that guy back there" "what guy, and I didn't "pull out", and why is he riding in my pocket over taking me on a corner into a clusterfuck of buses?!" and she rides off shaking her head only whilst I have to then overtake her expecting a fresh wave of righteousness, which never came.
What annoys me the most is i am more than considerate on the roads, I'm not out to win any Tour-de-Commute medals, I read the road and ride sensibly. I always leave adequate room around me, but then someone who I can't even see, from what I can tell nearly rides into the back of me going round a wet corner off a dangerous r'bout into a cluster of buses and then I get somebody on their high horse telling me off for it rather than say to the guy riding dangerously "Don't you think that was a bit daft?"
Rant over. Bring the flaming.
• #6159
I almost punched the cunt in the BMW on my way home last night who slammed his brakes on basically on my back wheel after pulling out of his driveway then pulled up beside me shouting 'oi mate how am I supposed to see you if you don't have a fluro jacket on? Think about how i'd feel if i'd hit you then? couldn't see anything in front of me'
well, if my 2 rear lights aren't enough maybe you should have remembered to put your fucking lights on you stupid prick
And how you'd feel if you hit me??? Are you serious?
• #6160
Urgh. Undertaking twats. Fuck off.
• #6161
^^^ you should look over your shoulder before you move out, that is correct.
• #6162
would you look over your shoulder while braking to avoid riding into the back of someone?
• #6163
^and this is kind of my point. Given a split second to make a decision between a bus pulling out/Boris bike emergency stop combo and slightly alerting course (rather than "pull out" as I know there is a peleton of commuters behind/around me) which way would you choose to look? Damn sure it isn't behind me when I've only increased my arc a tiny bit rather than make a rash manouvre.
But I totally agree with the lady and DHB - and I always look over my shoulder when pulling out, and also at various other times so I know whats going on around me.
• #6164
^^ I'd have ridden the junction so that I was following other riders at their pace, not having to overtake or brake suddenly.
• #6165
which is arguably what the guy "who i nearly wiped out" should have been doing?
• #6166
Woah woah woah chap shouldnt have been trying to pass you so close that a 2inch swerve caused him to panic. He also shouldnt have been trying to pass when there is so much kerfuffle with buses going on in front of him.
• #6167
which is arguably what the guy "who i nearly wiped out" should have been doing?
Yes, very much so.
• #6168
but in conclusion, OSR, you are a shit cyclist. Get some more fluro ;)
• #6169
I agree. Posters calling me a 'Troll' and a 'Keyboard warrior' when im just defending myself from the 'cyber bullies' on this forum.
Some of you need to take a look at yourself , get off your high horses because you've been on here for years and got a little star by the side of your name or just get a sense of humour.I know there are several pages between this post and the most recent but maybe what YOU should do is take a look at yourself, get off your high horses because you're really annoying and are winding people up for no reason. Just get on with life on the forum and stop continuing stupid bullshit.
• #6170
but in conclusion, OSR, you are a shit cyclist. Get some more fluro ;)
Yeah, exactly. Imagine how some poor driver would feel if he hit you after one of your two inch directional adjustments and left your broken, mangled corpse bleeding the road. Where's your humanity?!
• #6171
Yeah it's a funny one and I rarely write about stuff like this, I just don't like it when the whole picture isn't clear and people instantly take sides and you're on the blame end. I'm sure in retrospect playing the situation back in my head I could have ridden the junction differently, for better or worse, and so could the other chap but at the end of the day I had to make a snap decision between tailending a Boris bike, emergency stopping infront of other commuters and a bus, or altering course slightly.
In any case you learn from these experiences, and will make me think more in the future - I just hope he does too, for his own sake, as overtaking on a dangerous corner like that is only going to work so many times before an accident does happen.
• #6172
I know there are several pages between this post and the most recent but maybe what YOU should do is take a look at yourself, get off your high horses because you're really annoying and are winding people up for no reason. Just get on with life on the forum and stop continuing stupid bullshit.
Here we go. Another one of the 'forum gang' steps in to have a dig after everything had settled down and tells me to stop ''continuing stupid bullshit''.
Fucking cretin!! -
• #6173
don't rise to it then.
• #6174
don't rise to it then.
Its not in my nature sorry.
• #6175
Not sure if denial of existence of pedantry
Or pedantry overload