• #3702
Popcorn or Bombay mix? What are people snacking on?
• #3703
I'm snacking on having a big snooze.
• #3704
Landis takes his revenge;
Short version; it's all Weisel's fault we're going to sue the billionaire.
Today was the deadline for filing this case and fact the Oprah interview goes out same day is a complete coincidence mm'kay
• #3705
Basically they are looking to recover the $30 odd millions dollars of sponsorship money paid to Tailwind Sports and if they do, Landis will get a significant chunk of it.
3 x $30m = triple damages.
• #3706
^^ 2AM oprah.com
It's on at 2am tomorrow morning.
Live on Discovery Channel so probably on their website too.
And Bombay mix for sure.
• #3707
adoubletap....how do you manage to gather all this information (in this thread and others) and still manage to hold down a job. I'm not mocking or trolling, just in awe!
• #3708
Judicious use of twitter I think (follow TheRaceRadio and inrng to get most of it).
• #3709
"Popcorn or Bombay mix? What are people snacking on?"
...or rum, as the case might be.
• #3710
^What andyp said plus the journalists who have previously written on the case
• #3711
#lfgssPyjamasParty on Instashit from 2am
• #3712
Popcorn or Bombay mix? What are people snacking on?
Ice cream!!
• #3713
Just ice cream... I think we all know that isn't true.
• #3714
[quote=winston;3354407]"The Milli Vanilli of bicycle racing"[/quote
Talking of Milli Vanilli and bicycles, back in 1989 I was paid to ride one of the bikes used in this video (from 2:23 on) over from Covent Garden Cycles to Wapping. One way, £50 cash. Nice.
• #3715
Oh yeah the rum will definitely be poppin' tonight!
• #3716
...as per usual.
• #3717
bingo schmingo
here's the drinking game (found through Sporza btw, wonder if they'll have as big a laugh when Belgium's worm cans are finally opened up)
• #3718
I'm just going to wait for the Blu Ray to come out.
• #3719
High Definition lying.
• #3720
With behind the scenes extras and Oprah commentary..
• #3721
And LOL out-takes..
• #3722
and EPO in-take
• #3723
And "How to" extras.
• #3724
World industries is back with a new board design
• #3725
Chick in the background with the testicles in the jar is a bit harsh, no?
It's on at 2am tomorrow morning.
Live on Discovery Channel so probably on their website too.