Sparky, there's a load of hyper-negative nonsense being spouted around here. If you've run 15 miles, you can easily run a marathon. If you go along with the 'only go up by 10% a week' school of thought, it will take you 8 years to progress to a marathon from a 5km. Or so. One long run a week and a bunch of shorter ones will see you right. Maybe leave the 20-miler for a fortnight, see how you feel. Don't be dictated to by one-size-fits-all programmes.
If you finish a marathon in a happy state, you haven't tried and you might as well not have bothered. You're going to fuck yourself up anyway, do it right.
Sparky, there's a load of hyper-negative nonsense being spouted around here. If you've run 15 miles, you can easily run a marathon. If you go along with the 'only go up by 10% a week' school of thought, it will take you 8 years to progress to a marathon from a 5km. Or so. One long run a week and a bunch of shorter ones will see you right. Maybe leave the 20-miler for a fortnight, see how you feel. Don't be dictated to by one-size-fits-all programmes.
If you finish a marathon in a happy state, you haven't tried and you might as well not have bothered. You're going to fuck yourself up anyway, do it right.