I asked a friend of a friend (lets call him mike) if he would like to sit for a portrait and he immediately said yes, he's a funny bloke and I always like to paint people whose company | enjoy, I can't afford to pay anyone but I promised him dinner and booze afterwards. He was a good sitter, clearly like being looked at and was a bit vain, he sat up straight and still and there was a sense that he was involved in the making of the picture, which is important; some people are very passive and grumble about not being able to move.
when I had finished work and it was getting dark, we went to the pub and had 3 or 4 pints, the conversation flowed well, we talked about my ex girlfreind a bit, who he is good freinds with, and it was good to have an objective conversation with someone about all that. (I now have a girlfreind who I have been with about a year.)
We went home slightly merry and I cooked poached salmon and new potatoes for him and my mate richard, another painter, who turned up just as Mike was hitting the wine. Mike was suddenly totally pissed, refused his food, proclaimed undying love for richard who he had just met, embarked on a passionate rant about how working class he was in contrast to richard and i who apparently are priveliged borgeoise creative cunts, and I began to drink faster to try to engage with the jollity. Mike nearly knocked the table over twice, sprayed red wine everywhere, and repeatedly tried to kiss Richard on the lips.
Richard left, not embarrassed but clearly slightly surprised at the behaviour of my new freind, and left us to it. Mike put a Joy Division album on and we danced. When the wine was finished I opened a bottle of whiskey.
Then I pulled down his trousers and sucked him off.
First world problems. Get a life.
Good troll post however.