I've got a frame that I would imagine is pretty much useless, but might be of use to someone - basically I was in a crash a couple of weeks ago (with a car - no damage to my body, but smashed his windscreen with my back and bent my bike...). I thought the forks were just bent, but on closer inspection the next day I realised the frame is buckled near the front lugs. I bought the frame off here a while ago from adamrejzl (here).
Basically I'm going to India next week and either way I'm going to get rid of it; I'll post a picture of the damage up later, but if it's any use to anyone i'll strip it of useful things (brakes, handlebars etc) and you can take the frame and forks and do what you will. Maybe it could be creatively brazed? I don't know...
Hi Guys,
I've got a frame that I would imagine is pretty much useless, but might be of use to someone - basically I was in a crash a couple of weeks ago (with a car - no damage to my body, but smashed his windscreen with my back and bent my bike...). I thought the forks were just bent, but on closer inspection the next day I realised the frame is buckled near the front lugs. I bought the frame off here a while ago from adamrejzl (here).
Basically I'm going to India next week and either way I'm going to get rid of it; I'll post a picture of the damage up later, but if it's any use to anyone i'll strip it of useful things (brakes, handlebars etc) and you can take the frame and forks and do what you will. Maybe it could be creatively brazed? I don't know...