This evening, after a bit of spreadsheet pushing, I'm pretty much decided on going Pompetamine over Pompino to replace my 10SCX with SSCX. After reading around, I've found that 29er and 700c rims are interchangeable so long as you don't use skinny road tyres on the 29er rim. Can anyone confirm that Challenge Griffos would be fine on these wheels?
I've been running Challenge Limus on Halo areowarriors and they are a perfect fit. As far as I know the tyres are exactly the same size, just with different tread and the rims are within a mm of the ones you're looking at, in terms of dimensions.
I've been running Challenge Limus on Halo areowarriors and they are a perfect fit. As far as I know the tyres are exactly the same size, just with different tread and the rims are within a mm of the ones you're looking at, in terms of dimensions.