I think Suarez and Liverepool, once again, are being victimised by this. I, for one, shall be wearing my Suarez is innocent (again) t-shirt in sympathy.
Why is it that the press have to pick on him? If you look at the game, it is evident that Maccesfield were guilty of a number of fouls. The press are always so pro Maccesfiled and anti Liverpoool.
I think Suarez and Liverepool, once again, are being victimised by this. I, for one, shall be wearing my Suarez is innocent (again) t-shirt in sympathy.
Why is it that the press have to pick on him? If you look at the game, it is evident that Maccesfield were guilty of a number of fouls. The press are always so pro Maccesfiled and anti Liverpoool.