10min run in new Flex this evening(was straight after a 1hr workout hence being so short).
Found my stride to be much shorter than in the clumpy trail shoes I normally use, feet feel a bit achy but I'm putting that down to new shoes and the more barefoot-esque ride of the Flex's.
Will go for a proper run tomorrow so I can get a better opinion of them. Want to work towards barefoot(well, vibrams etc) running later in the year so this seems like a good starting point.
10min run in new Flex this evening(was straight after a 1hr workout hence being so short).
Found my stride to be much shorter than in the clumpy trail shoes I normally use, feet feel a bit achy but I'm putting that down to new shoes and the more barefoot-esque ride of the Flex's.
Will go for a proper run tomorrow so I can get a better opinion of them. Want to work towards barefoot(well, vibrams etc) running later in the year so this seems like a good starting point.