That BMC's a real melon scratcher. On paper, it should look good, and yet it's definitely a bit off. Losing the wheel decals and going for black tape would almost save it I reckon.
I'm not going to pretend my BMCs not anti in many ways. All my bikes have dodgey asthetics TBH. But even with moooaaaar colour coordination it doesnt manage to out ugly the one above. Those wheels have a lot to answer for.
This is both readers wife, and a repost. Probably racist too.
I'm not going to pretend my BMCs not anti in many ways. All my bikes have dodgey asthetics TBH. But even with moooaaaar colour coordination it doesnt manage to out ugly the one above. Those wheels have a lot to answer for.
This is both readers wife, and a repost. Probably racist too.