Cool. So you're just not into the whole thing. Which is fine.
But it is definitely not Takeshi's Castle on wheels. It's a Sporting event as you've mentioned.
A quite important and serious one, within Japanese culture/society, since it's the only legal way of betting.
NJS is they're bureau of control over every single component used on track racing. That's it.
Westerners made it what it is. A fucken circus.
Japanese are Japanese, Their Keirin is merely a reflection of the whole lot.
IMHO that's what makes it great.
Cool. So you're just not into the whole thing. Which is fine.
But it is definitely not Takeshi's Castle on wheels. It's a Sporting event as you've mentioned.
A quite important and serious one, within Japanese culture/society, since it's the only legal way of betting.
NJS is they're bureau of control over every single component used on track racing. That's it.
Westerners made it what it is. A fucken circus.
Japanese are Japanese, Their Keirin is merely a reflection of the whole lot.
IMHO that's what makes it great.