Here are couple of photos which the are not included in the UK Cyclesport story - I hope they give something of the atmosphere of record breaking today. The first picture is about 10 miles before Worthing - It is raining heavily and there is a strong south west wind making the going tough.
A final footnote to our 2012 season: Loz only abandoned his ambition to go for the London Marlborough and Back record on the 4th November when he realised it was the day of the Veteran Car run, and that the Hyde Park turn would be impossibly crowded.
Here are couple of photos which the are not included in the UK Cyclesport story - I hope they give something of the atmosphere of record breaking today. The first picture is about 10 miles before Worthing - It is raining heavily and there is a strong south west wind making the going tough.
A final footnote to our 2012 season: Loz only abandoned his ambition to go for the London Marlborough and Back record on the 4th November when he realised it was the day of the Veteran Car run, and that the Hyde Park turn would be impossibly crowded.
Let's see what 2013 brings.
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