didn't read all the replys but I think that as a piece of art it has maintained its value but as a frame it's close to worthless. maybe worth the 6quid someone mentioned. If you repair it you'll ruin the original paint and then it gains value as repaired 'Nago, rideable, but loses it's value as a piece of art.
By selling it broken I think it will maintain higher value than repaired but to sell at what price I have no idea. Maybe use the original price and make your mind whether it was priced according to it's value as a piece of art or as a Colnago track frame..
didn't read all the replys but I think that as a piece of art it has maintained its value but as a frame it's close to worthless. maybe worth the 6quid someone mentioned. If you repair it you'll ruin the original paint and then it gains value as repaired 'Nago, rideable, but loses it's value as a piece of art.
By selling it broken I think it will maintain higher value than repaired but to sell at what price I have no idea. Maybe use the original price and make your mind whether it was priced according to it's value as a piece of art or as a Colnago track frame..