As for the weight loss, i'm heading in the other direction. Eating some more protein.
This is what I've been doing this year. I had gained 1kg, and had lost a little fat to boot. But I think the fats come back, and I'm now just a slightly wider version of the tasteful pic above. I have this idea of maintaining a BMI over 30, yet losing the fat.
they play Rugby in Norway ?
Its a small sport here. Played by has-been, foreigners like me, and massive yet inexperianced locals.
This is what I've been doing this year. I had gained 1kg, and had lost a little fat to boot. But I think the fats come back, and I'm now just a slightly wider version of the tasteful pic above. I have this idea of maintaining a BMI over 30, yet losing the fat.
Its a small sport here. Played by has-been, foreigners like me, and massive yet inexperianced locals.