All record groups ive tried have been great. I still prefer my record 10 group to my SR 11 but thats not really a performance based opinion. More i like the look and hoods better and the levers feel more solid aswell. My sr levers can make abit of a rattling sound from time to time. No biggy but my record 10s dont.
My exp with campy says its pretty much setup and forget.. Good stuff.
All record groups ive tried have been great. I still prefer my record 10 group to my SR 11 but thats not really a performance based opinion. More i like the look and hoods better and the levers feel more solid aswell. My sr levers can make abit of a rattling sound from time to time. No biggy but my record 10s dont.
My exp with campy says its pretty much setup and forget.. Good stuff.