^^It is not a good idea to bend the truth where the police are concerned.
Except where the police are bending the truth, or except where it makes their lives easier, or except where is gives them a better sanctioned detection, or etc...
The police will be much less inclined to do anything if cyclists are perceived to make shit up to suit them.
Were Cyclists a single gestalt entity, and the police too, for that matter, then yes. Otherwise, no.
The sad fact is that integrity and honesty will not get you far with the police, whether you're a victim or accused of a crime.
The police aren't concerned with the truth, but with what is verifiable, and only what is easily verifiable at that (unless, of course, there is political capital to be made).#
The sad fact is that integrity and honesty will not get you far with the police, whether you're a victim or accused of a crime.
The police aren't concerned with the truth, but with what is verifiable, and only what is easily verifiable at that (unless, of course, there is political capital to be made).#
tl;dr Fuck tha police.