• #2727
Danners are probably the nicest looking I've seen but there is nowhere on this continent where you can try them on. You can roll the dice and order them from amazon us but if they don't fit, ball-ache.
• #2728
Danner's might get cheap here
• #2729
Salomon do some great boots based on their trail-running shoes.
I had a pair with gore-text lining whilst I was in NZ and they were awesome. Slate grey so fine for normal use (but not formal)
https://www.google.co.uk/search?q=salomon+hiking+boots&rlz=1C1CHFX_en-gbGB478GB478&aq=0&oq=salamon+hiking&sugexp=chrome,mod=9&sourceid=chrome&ie=UTF-8#q=salomon+hiking+boots&hl=en&safe=off&rlz=1C1CHFX_en-gbGB478GB478&prmd=imvns&source=univ&tbm=shop&tbo=u&sa=X&psj=1&ei=OtJ2UO6BCaq40QWV74DYDA&ved=0CHAQrQQ&bav=on.2,or.r_gc.r_pw.r_cp.r_qf.&fp=6a436c3b0836a3ef&bpcl=35243188&biw=1777&bih=898No offence, but are you seriously suggesting wearing them around town? Functional and perfectly fine up a hill and the pub at the bottom of that hill, but wearing them anywhere else would be a disgrace.
• #2730
Well, I just went and tried on a bunch of boots including the meindls which looked ridiculous in person, unfortunately.
Looked at grensons but they ain't waterproof.Ended up getting the timberland earth keepers after all... They fit much better than most and are warm, padded and waterproof. Done.
• #2731
Yeah, I think I'm leaning towards the Earthkeepers too. They're really handsome.
The other ones I really like (aesthetically speaking) are the Merrill Wilderness 'Canyon' which is like a lighter version of their original Wilderness boot (which I can't find in the UK and don't particularly want to gamble spending £180ish quid on US ebay)
http://img.wolverineworldwide.com/is/image/WolverineWorldWide/MRL-W39785-092211?op_usm=0.5,1&wid=500&hei=520&qlt=70&fmt=jpg&extend=0,0,0,0They're very slightly more expensive than the Timberland at about £150 a pair. Apparently some boots have had a problem where the front of the sole de-laminates, but others are fine.
I'll sleep on it.
• #2732
I have a pair of salomon hiking boots that I use only for the stormiest of copenhagen winter days. and they are fantastic for that. I don't know the model, but they are tan nubuck and a slightly simpler design than those in the link above.
Not pretty though and I can only get away with wearing them with slim jeans because I go to architect school so it'll pass as some kind of fashion. -
• #2733
WTF has has happened to the most stylish thread on the net?
• #2734
it's been 'urbanised'
• #2735
I'd rather wear these than any of your fancy city boy brogues. -
• #2736
They look like someone's thrown up on them.
• #2737
WTF has has happened to the most stylish thread on the net?
Winter. Winter happened.
• #2738
Danner's might get cheap here
fuck sake. after a lot of to-ing and fro-ing and reading up online about sizing I thought fuckit, let's get a pair... but they don't ship internationally. Shit Danner, get it together!
• #2739
Amazon US do em and ship here...
• #2740
Tyrone has stunning handwriting.
• #2741
not for $140...
• #2742
Cheap boots for someone with big feet
• #2743
mobilising to site in december, time for some warm riggers:
just the thing for northumbria, smart oot on tha toon like.. -
• #2744
want, have always wanted, probably will never be able to afford. Pretty amazing, really. I am jealous of the man and his skill.
• #2745
£1,000 hiking boots, I guess the real question is if you can justify the outlay. If you're hiking 6 days a month for 8 months a year and say the shoes will last you 20 years it's kind of ok.
Not too different from buying a £1,000 bike I guess.
• #2746
reckon they'd last a lifetime, if you look after them. They're resole-able etc.
• #2747
Good on him if he sells a few each month.
• #2748
Bought these in the end:
http://img.wolverineworldwide.com/is/image/WolverineWorldWide/MRL-W39785-092211?op_usm=0.5,1&wid=500&hei=520&qlt=70&fmt=jpg&extend=0,0,0,0Very impressed - good both around town and on the couple of short walks/hikes I've done. And with white laces, they're handsome enough to wear as a casual boot in the winter.
• #2749
^ Reminds me of http://youtu.be/mtZTIwSIuGw
• #2750
I like them!
the mephisto's are a great lightweight alternative,
and personally I think they have a slightly better grip in the wet.
even though they use their own sole.