as for me pre l'eroica preps mean i need stiffer soles in my vintage touring shoes so took them to the cobbler and for £40 he put on somesuper stiff new leather soles over the top of the old ones - means they are pretty heavy now compared but as stiff as my modern carbon shoes! not a bit of flex
also upgraded my gipiemme sprints to some long lusted after zeus titanium pedals which are noticably lighter (but i have no scales sadly)
top tip with the brooks tape! i like!
as for me pre l'eroica preps mean i need stiffer soles in my vintage touring shoes so took them to the cobbler and for £40 he put on somesuper stiff new leather soles over the top of the old ones - means they are pretty heavy now compared but as stiff as my modern carbon shoes! not a bit of flex
also upgraded my gipiemme sprints to some long lusted after zeus titanium pedals which are noticably lighter (but i have no scales sadly)
very exciting
image.jpeg by monomaniac(tom), on Flickr
Zeus titanium pedals- a lot lighter than the gipiemme sprints by monomaniac(tom), on Flickr
Zeus titanium pedals- a lot lighter than the gipiemme sprints by monomaniac(tom), on Flickr
Zeus titanium pedals- a lot lighter than the gipiemme sprints by monomaniac(tom), on Flickr
Zeus titanium pedals- a lot lighter than the gipiemme sprints by monomaniac(tom), on Flickr
Zeus titanium pedals- a lot lighter than the gipiemme sprints by monomaniac(tom), on Flickr
but why are the hooks on the end always so narrow? i'm going to have to bend the cages for my feet to fit on comfortably