• #127
i am coming with my polo stuff to be in a team if there is one.
• #128
i am coming with my polo stuff to be in a team if there is one.
We are hopefully forming a 14th team so come speak to me when you get to Canterbury (ask for Dan) will be wearing biketart.com kit. Registration is before 10.
• #129
ah, bugger. i cant come after all. bum. have fuun.
• #130
I'm on the slowest train in the world (4 pages of stops...) and it has been delayed so I'll get there a bit after 10 by the looks. sorry if THERE'S NO TIME :(
• #131
I'm going to be later than James, like 11.30. :-(
So if Yomoyo's game could be delayed a bit that would be awesome... Or maybe just Arunas play on his own for the first game? :-/
• #132
Am I just being racist against Podium, or does it seem to make weird draws?
Yomoyo and Commies had (what seems from the outside to be) really easy games, and Sandbaggers and Be.Right.On had mega-hard ones. Other tournaments I've spied on from the outside seem to be weird like that, too.
Looks like a fun one thought. One day tournaments ftw.
• #133
I also feel much better about losing to Sandbaggers (albeit with Boagey not Cam) now they've beaten SB.
• #134
Did having a lower original seeding affect it?
• #135
Yeah I hate Podium, we lost to Cosmic and then played Sandbaggers. Wahhh. Really fun tournament though...final between those two just starting now...
• #136
sandbaggers take it!
what the fuck is up with brighton getting such hard games during the rounds? -
• #137
sandbaggers take it!
what the fuck is up with brighton getting such hard games during the rounds?Take a 2nd look. Cosmik, SB, Sandbaggers and B.R.O all played each other in the swiss rounds. Where as Yomoyo finished 3rd after 5 SR and only played SB. Just saying.
But anyway, it's what you do in the elim which really matters.
Great fun day of polo, both on and off court. Well done everyone. Good to see a different mix of teams.
Thanks Canterbury.
• #138
yeah, thanks canterbury.....a really fun one day event, with as many good times on court as off.....perfect venue for an event like this, plenty to do while waiting for games.
playing round the world table tennis with todd using a tambourine as a bat was amazing....shame no one got any live footage.
Thanks Luca and Cam for making it a really fun one...more sandbagging soon please.
• #139
What we'd need to do is run two seperate tournaments with the same teams; one using podium the other using challonge.
Well done teabaggers.
• #140
Awesome tourny. Really really enjoyed myself.
I'm just going to leave this here:
• #141
Oh and yeah the challonge picking was weird, but despite the weird selection, the top 4 team were defo the best four teams.
• #142
To be fair to podium the early draw between sandbaggers and spring break is probably what fucked it up.
We won our first two games against two teams who were unbeaten, and although we only played spring break, we did play all the other teams who were placed fifth... So it's not like we drew bottom teams.
• #143
I assume you had fun camping then Louis!
Thanks Canterbury for stepping up to host your own tournament so soon, it had a really nice friendly atmosphere and it's great to see your scene grow and develop so quickly! My highlight was watching Tappy, Pickering and Trigger play awesome polo all day. Thanks Fi and John for having me and congrats Sandbaggers!
• #144
Thanks everyone for coming! Went better than expected and was an awesome day.
• #145
Massive thank you to everyone who made the trip yesterday! Everyone who came made all the hard work and effort worth it.
Bigger thanks must go to my team mates Phil and Collin who a) kept me calm and b) helped massively sorting the court setting up and packing down! And running the day. Also big thanks to john h for all his help and advice with running everything. Now have a new found respect for all tourney organisers!
Thank you to all our sponsors BikeTart.com, Canterbury cycle store and magic for all prizes and help. And river side youth centre for an amazing venue. Also thanks to RAF for the spitfire fly bye was a little early but hey.
There's plenty more to come from Canterbury with new double courts in pipe line and an ever growing scene. And anyone who wants to come back for throw ins we have 3 sessions a week so come on down.
Massive thanks again guys. Till next year!!
• #146
Thanx Canterbury. Had a great day over there. Having the hot drinks and cozy indoor facility was too good. See you all soon. Well done tea baggers!
• #147
Thanks for an awesome tournament Canterbury, the way you're handling your scene and growing so fast is impressive and your first tournament was very well organised!
Congrats to Sandbaggers, I also really enjoyed watching Schnick Schnack Schnuck, H-Bomb & the Atoms and Yomoyo playing their games... Louis was particularly explosive this weekend.
Thanks for the fun after party, Ryan's pink lips were very amusing this morning and breakfast was just what the doctor ordered, now back in rainy London, boo.
Edit: Also, I'm still missing a mallet: black ninja head, perros pole, green grip tape. (Shifty eyes at Cam.)
• #148
Am I just being racist against Podium, or does it seem to make weird draws?
Yeah I hate Podium, we lost to Cosmic and then played Sandbaggers.
what the fuck is up with brighton getting such hard games during the rounds?
Take a 2nd look. Cosmik, SB, Sandbaggers and B.R.O all played each other in the swiss rounds. Where as Yomoyo finished 3rd after 5 SR and only played SB. Just saying.
What we'd need to do is run two seperate tournaments with the same teams; one using podium the other using challonge.
Oh and yeah the challonge picking was weird, but despite the weird selection, the top 4 team were defo the best four teams.
To be fair to podium the early draw between sandbaggers and spring break is probably what fucked it up.
Less of the hating on Podium, this a swiss problem, not Podium. Especially in the mid table it's very hard for Swiss to give everyone similar opponents. The smaller the field, the more you see that effect. I didn't watch every round, but most of the pairings were the most logical at the time.
Brighton fucked themselves over by having such a high goal difference, that meant they would always play tougher opponents than the teams around them.
Yomoyo did get lucky with their pairings, just as H-Bomb and the Atoms got unlucky, but that's just Swiss.
If you are a mid table team, you are far better off losing early, and then winning against easier teams later (when the teams are more spread out, and a win will move you less up the table), win at the start and you play tough opponents.
One area Podium can improve is using Median-Buchholz over GD, Brighton would have got easier draws for having played the best teams (as would H-Bomb and the Atoms), Yomoyo would have got tougher ones.
But where Podium has a huge advantage is the manual staging. This tournament was run in auto mode, but with one court that's not really an issue, it will only predict 1 game before the round is over, it's on multiple courts where manual staging is essential in my mind (it's what I did at the worlds and LO), if you want the best pairings.
• #149
Maybe this isn't the thread for it, but I don't get why Podium doesn't (can't?) use Median-Blahblah. It's not perfect, but it seems way better than goal difference.
As others said, it doesn't actually make much, if any, difference to the final result, but mid-table teams deserve better.
• #150
Thank you canterbury! had a really good time! Some really fun times especially the games room that was totally awesome! Thanks Josh and cam, had a real laugh playing with you.
Sorry we couldn't stay any longer!
Cam if you train it we can do a group save ticket with spring break maybe even get on some warmy camping time..shuffle mallets for spooning partners? come back sunday morn innit..