• #127
Piotr Minge
a Banker for a certain high st Bank...
• #128
A Orthopaedic Surgeon I am seeing is called; Lennard Funk
one of the secretaries is called; Luan Suckling
• #129
Tricky, roughly what line of business are you in? I've seen a lot of pretty funky names in my work, but nothing to compare with your mighty haul.
Oh, and Fanny Forest has changed her name on Facebook, which is a shame. Sharon Cock hasn't though.
• #130
I'm a proof reader for the phone book.
• #131
David Cunt
• #132
I have a Penny Prick living nxt door to me................and there is a Dentist in
Hammersmith called Dr Fang.. -
• #133
Fanny Pong...
• #134
I met a guy called Ray Gunn. Is in a band and calls himself Smokin' Ray Gunn.
• #135
• #136
I worked with a Canadian chap called Chad Buttz. Yes, we did like him. I cannot lie. Sure he was sick of it after 100 renditions.
And friends of friends are Randy Lerner, not a student any more alas, and Randi Tickle, probably not a masseuse.
• #137
I went to school with a Michael Hunt and some kid called Egbert nicknamed Egbert
butno bacon.it's the way you tell them
• #138
On the subject of French medical practitioners, the bloke that fixed my father-in-law's broken toe on holiday last year? Dr Coffin.
• #139
Definitely going to go by the name of Preston Breakfast from now on.
• #140
On the subject of French medical practitioners, the bloke that fixed my father-in-law's broken toe on holiday last year? Dr Coffin.
When my mum worked at an opticians they had a customer with the name Pine-Coffin.
• #141
Colleague of a colleague - Richard William Titball
• #142
My Dads new contact in India
Puneet Dikshit
Pronounced Puny dick shit
• #143
Head teacher at a local school. Mr Shaw-Twilly.
• #144
I didn't see this thread until a few days ago. I used to invigilate exams when at college and there were always some great ones in the candidate lists. Sadly, I can't really remember them. 'Soh Wee' is about the only one. I wish I'd done a collection like Tricky Business.
I always thought 'Oliver Stone' was quite funny, but obviously not as good as 'Olive Stone'.
• #145
An old colleague of my dad was called Richard Head.
My dad said he always used to introduce himself by saying, "Hi, I'm Richard Head, but please call me Dick."
I went to school with a Duncan Grocock.
Ex-girlfriend had an architecture tutor called Micheal Knight which was even better because there was a guy in her year who went by the nickname of Kit.
• #146
I've just seen that the head of the Luxembourgish cycling federation is called Jean Regenwetter. The surname means 'rainy weather' in German.
• #147
My two (real names) are;
Joe King
Minty Clinch
That is all.
• #148
Dick Sharp
• #149
Ah yes, I met a Jo King (female) once.
• #150
Colleague of a colleague - Richard William Titball
shortened to dick willy titball
i don't believe it
I'm extremely familiar, just not in the course of my work...