I got the 2.5mm stuff the other day, it's noticably more chunky but still feels nice to hold.
I think it makes the tops of Ergonova bars a bit borderline though- almost too large.
In related news- how do I finish bar tape without it looking like a drunk suffering from severe head trauma has tried to steal my handlebars?
wrap all the way to the middle of the bars, making note where you want to stop. Then wrap some electrical tape around where you want the tape to end. Then use a knife and go around the inside edge of the electrical tape, leaving a nice sharp finish with no overlap from the electrical tape.
wrap all the way to the middle of the bars, making note where you want to stop. Then wrap some electrical tape around where you want the tape to end. Then use a knife and go around the inside edge of the electrical tape, leaving a nice sharp finish with no overlap from the electrical tape.