I've been racing through Skyrim again - not picking up minor quests but doing all the majors. Also exploring Everywhere - just running in every direction finding place's like the little hunters lodge in the south east that does the Kyne quest-line and Angie's hut down near Falkreath. Took a solid week but am now finally up to speed so at the weekend I started Dawnguard. BOOM. Great content with some fantastic new design. Definitely worth a pop.
I redownloaded MW3 on Steam the other day but haven't played any yet.
Been playing lots of BF3 on Origin.
A bit of LA Noire at last (though after the first few promotions the novelty has kind of worn off).
I've been racing through Skyrim again - not picking up minor quests but doing all the majors. Also exploring Everywhere - just running in every direction finding place's like the little hunters lodge in the south east that does the Kyne quest-line and Angie's hut down near Falkreath. Took a solid week but am now finally up to speed so at the weekend I started Dawnguard. BOOM. Great content with some fantastic new design. Definitely worth a pop.
I redownloaded MW3 on Steam the other day but haven't played any yet.
Been playing lots of BF3 on Origin.
A bit of LA Noire at last (though after the first few promotions the novelty has kind of worn off).