I found Frogglegs to be rather dated and a pain to get right - no adjusting screws, post mounted pads, the pads supplied are the worst pads I've ever experienced (wine gums would be better) also the cable bridge is piss weak.
Tektro's have adjusting screws on both sides and a commonly used design for the cable that bridges the two sides. I can have them on and working nicely inside 10min.
I found Frogglegs to be rather dated and a pain to get right - no adjusting screws, post mounted pads, the pads supplied are the worst pads I've ever experienced (wine gums would be better) also the cable bridge is piss weak.
Tektro's have adjusting screws on both sides and a commonly used design for the cable that bridges the two sides. I can have them on and working nicely inside 10min.