I've got a list of games as long as my arm that I need to 'finish' or actually play some more of...
that skyrim expansion, sleeping dogs, diablo 3, civ 5, that fucking batman game, the last assassins creed, ghost recon, mass effect 3, forza 4, fez and fuck knows what else. Darksiders 2 is sitting at work waiting to go home, but CS:GO is eating any spare time / energy I have.
I've got a list of games as long as my arm that I need to 'finish' or actually play some more of...
that skyrim expansion, sleeping dogs, diablo 3, civ 5, that fucking batman game, the last assassins creed, ghost recon, mass effect 3, forza 4, fez and fuck knows what else. Darksiders 2 is sitting at work waiting to go home, but CS:GO is eating any spare time / energy I have.
I'm dreaming about defusing.