No worries. I need to decide on a 28.6 clamp. They are often disproportionately expensive, or look shitty, unfortunately.
Just a question from here Fox, but was that a fitting with Scheritt or just a discussion?
If it was a fitting do you not think it's better to follow the fitting advice as your position will change a little with a different crank length .. no fitting expert but I'd assume your saddle height would need to be lower by 5 mm too start with ..
It was a fitting, and yes I think you're right. It's become something of a moot point as it turns out I can't buy the Fudge Red Black deal without buying a chain I don't want, so I'm just going to get 165s now I think, as there's no price difference elsewhere.
Using this bike for audax is definitely cheating* :p
*(still hurting from my steel foray of the "tour of the hills" audax)
Definitely ;)
There is a big part of me which knows it is much more about the rider than the bike, so part of me feels a bit guilty about this whole build. I suppose I'm going to have to up my game to justify it :/
No worries. I need to decide on a 28.6 clamp. They are often disproportionately expensive, or look shitty, unfortunately.
It was a fitting, and yes I think you're right. It's become something of a moot point as it turns out I can't buy the Fudge Red Black deal without buying a chain I don't want, so I'm just going to get 165s now I think, as there's no price difference elsewhere.
Definitely ;)
There is a big part of me which knows it is much more about the rider than the bike, so part of me feels a bit guilty about this whole build. I suppose I'm going to have to up my game to justify it :/
Not that guilty though!