my steel road frame is almost ready
i'm very happy with the weight of it (1470gr)
now i just have to find a light carbon fork (i'm thinking about an Easton one)
I'll take a few pics as soon
meanwhile i'm preparing a rear wheel for my blue bike. The idea is to have the bike with two wheels with the same rims (mavic Open Pro). I painted the front rim with matte black and now i'm preparing the rear wheel.
the rear wheel here it's a miche Pista WR. I think it will look better with the black Open Pro one.
my steel road frame is almost ready
i'm very happy with the weight of it (1470gr)
now i just have to find a light carbon fork (i'm thinking about an Easton one)
I'll take a few pics as soon
meanwhile i'm preparing a rear wheel for my blue bike. The idea is to have the bike with two wheels with the same rims (mavic Open Pro). I painted the front rim with matte black and now i'm preparing the rear wheel.
the rear wheel here it's a miche Pista WR. I think it will look better with the black Open Pro one.