• #727
• #728
that is fucking shady
• #729
Can somebody tell me where they heard this Wiggo compulsory helmet thing on the BBC so I can have a listen to it? I'm not particularly happy about something on my site being used as pro-helmet propaganda because I'm very much against it. Someone from BBC Radio did follow me on Twitter following the interview so it's not so far fetched that they would jump straight on it in a case like this.
I was surprised when Wiggo said it and even considered leaving it out of the interview for a brief second but if that's what he thinks then that's what he thinks.
• #730
i heard it on radio 4 this morning. they didnt have audio of i though. actually maybe they did. i was half asleep
• #731
Do follow this up deadjoe. If the context has been mashed then it should be flagged for sure. As far as we know Wiggins was on the pop all night last night and wouldn't have been making detailed and considered responses to this particular story I'd imagine.
• #732
i heard it on radio 4 this morning. they didnt have audio of i though. actually maybe they did. i was half asleep
No Audio as I heard but reported as a response to the death on 5live and radio 4. Esp on 5live
• #733
2 hours 4 mins in. they said he was speaking after the accident. so maybe a barefaced lie. there is audio of him
• #734
The video on the Daily Mail has the statement from the get-go:
http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-2182407/Bradley-Wiggins-calls-road-safety-overhaul-cyclist-dies-following-bus-collision-near-Olympic-velodrome.html -
• #735
You can sort of feel from his response that he hadn't really thought it out... just rambled through it with bits that he cared about and bits where he filled space whilst he thought of what to say.
I guess that's the problem for Wiggins now. Every word he says is going to be held up as gospel. But who's to say that they're well considered words? Sometimes one just talks crap when put on the spot.
• #736
i heard him say the comment on an interview about 10 ish last night BBC1 or BBC3 can't remember which
he said helmet wearing should be compulsoryhey it's a free country and as he's now king of it, he should be able to say what he likes
we don't have to agree ... i know i don't, but he's allowed to say it -
• #737
Just posted in another thread: It appears Wiggo DID make the comments following the accident.
He gave a presser about 10.30pm last night.
This is from PA early this morning:In the wake of the fatal incident, Olympic gold medal-winning cyclist Bradley Wiggins was asked for his views on the safety of London's roads for cyclists.
He said: "It's dangerous and London is a busy city and a lot of traffic. I think we have to help ourselves sometimes.
"I haven't lived in London for 10 to 15 years now and it's got a lot busier since I was riding a bike as a kid round here, and I got knocked off several times.
"But I think things are improving to a degree - there are organisations out there who are attempting to make the roads safer for both parties.
"But at the end of the day we've all got to co-exist on the roads. Cyclists are not ever going to go away, as much as drivers moan, and as much as cyclists maybe moan about certain drivers they are never going to go away, so there's got to be a bit of give and take."
Wiggins said he would like to see the introduction of a law making it compulsory to wear cycling helmets. -
• #738
Meanwhile, from the London Fire Brigade's twitter stream
[/URL]London Fire Brigade @LondonFire Congrats to Bradley Wiggins on his [URL="https://twitter.com/#%21/search/%23Olympic"]#Olympic gold. Talking of cycling we are helping a man who has his foot stuck in a bike pedal in Hornsey.
• #739
In that video he pretty much just says exactly what he did in my interview. It's a shame that he's so pro-helmet because I think everyone knows that increased helmet usage has been proven time and again to reduce the amount of people cycling and not increase safety at all but thats neither here nor there in this thread.
• #740
Ah, the debate is OK in this thread... just keep it out of the Rider Down forum.
• #741
It's a shame that he's so pro-helmet because:
• #742
man with foot stuck in pedal lol !
• #743
To the image - or the Times coverage?
I don't know what you were showing there, I guess the image (of the times coverage? or was that the link behind the image?)
• #744
^ The image is The Times Supplement jacket – showing biggins being awesome. The Times have lots of limitations on sharing content because they're part of the greedy, evil Murdoch empire (that help fund British Cycling).
Sir Bradley (too early?) has also made it onto a stamp!
As if anyone uses stamps!
• #745
My second television interview within 10 days. At 2:21
The burden of fame.
• #746
If he'd got Silver, would he have been on a 2nd Class stamp?
• #747
Will the post arrive quicker if I use these?
• #748
helmet thread >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>
well done wiggo and froome. great effort after saturday. good to see martin in mix after his recent woes.
i couldn't skive work to see it. so i didn't see it.
• #749
Watched it at work. Win-Win.
• #750
Seriously folks, it's time for some perspective. Everyone has different opinions. Some things polarise opinion like nothing else.... PC vs Mac, Canon vs Nikon, Sainsburys vs Tesco. Helmets are the same (as are headphones while cycling). However, just because Wiggo thinks we need to help ourselves and wear helmets (as is getting more airtime about it because of his achievements) it's no reason to have a go at him. That just smacks of jealousy. Personally, I agree with him. I think helmets are a good idea and we, as cyclists, should help ourselves to stay safe. If you don't want the nanny state to tell you to wear a helmet, then you can't go crying to them when you fall off and hurt your head.
And if you're so keen on pushing an anti-helmet argument and you want airtime, then get off the computer, get on your bike, win something meaningful and enjoy the camera's attention for a while. Otherwise, STFU and get on with your life.Rant aside, here's a couple of pics I took yesterday of Wiggo streaming past me on his way to Gold. These were just outside Sigma Sport in Kingston.
Please can we make sideburns compulsory.....