So basically what I've done now is, following the restrictions, taken the blue LFGSS text and added a black background, and as a precaution taken Murtle's advice and added a 5mm bleed on all sides. I've used the 6inch width as a guess and so the height would be 1.5ish inches following the aspect ratio of the logo. I'll now send this to the same company and get a quote for full production of 100 patches.
So basically what I've done now is, following the restrictions, taken the blue LFGSS text and added a black background, and as a precaution taken Murtle's advice and added a 5mm bleed on all sides. I've used the 6inch width as a guess and so the height would be 1.5ish inches following the aspect ratio of the logo. I'll now send this to the same company and get a quote for full production of 100 patches.