So having identified a hole in my stroke last week, the last few sessions have been spent trying to rectify it.
I've been initiating my catch too early, almost as soon as my trailing arm come out of the water, and ending up snatching my strokes, and yawing as opposed to rolling.
After way too many catch up drills, I'm now starting my catch when my other arm is at the top of the recovery stroke.
End result - longer and more efficient strokes, and I feel more powerful. A few more tens of thousands of repetitions and I might have this dialled in.
Anyway - 8k last week, and my shoulders are knackered.
So having identified a hole in my stroke last week, the last few sessions have been spent trying to rectify it.
I've been initiating my catch too early, almost as soon as my trailing arm come out of the water, and ending up snatching my strokes, and yawing as opposed to rolling.
After way too many catch up drills, I'm now starting my catch when my other arm is at the top of the recovery stroke.
End result - longer and more efficient strokes, and I feel more powerful. A few more tens of thousands of repetitions and I might have this dialled in.
Anyway - 8k last week, and my shoulders are knackered.