Metro - how do you make digital files of your b/w negatives?
Do you scan them or do you use a projector, and then use a digital camera to make a picture of the projection?
I never did that (back in the day it just stayed analogue if it started analogue),
but now I want to, and wondered how to go about it -
I'm interested in high quality, and in images that still look as 'analogue' as possible.
Sorry if this is explained a bit circuitous.
Tina - I scan for reference/cataloguing files in Lightroom and the web. I don't print digitally. I now use an Epson V750 Pro with just the Epson software. I don't shoot colour film so scanning B&W is much simpler. I basically scan at 2400 dpi, 16bit TIFF in greyscale. This gives me manageable 13-16Mb files. I am looking for flat looking scans but with all the data in them. Some people faff about trying to get all the corrections done with the scanner software. I flat scan and then tweak in Lightroom and catalogue them.
Below some quick and dirty examples of what I mean:
Tina - I scan for reference/cataloguing files in Lightroom and the web. I don't print digitally. I now use an Epson V750 Pro with just the Epson software. I don't shoot colour film so scanning B&W is much simpler. I basically scan at 2400 dpi, 16bit TIFF in greyscale. This gives me manageable 13-16Mb files. I am looking for flat looking scans but with all the data in them. Some people faff about trying to get all the corrections done with the scanner software. I flat scan and then tweak in Lightroom and catalogue them.
Below some quick and dirty examples of what I mean: