What matters on a camera isn't megapixels, it's the diameter of aperture and the size of the sensor. But large sensor with an aperture only a couple of millimetres wide will be useless in anything over than outside in the middle of the day.
Cameras on phones are crap.
People will realise this only when it's too late to go back and take better quality photos... probably as soon as they have a MBP Retina thingy and realise how low quality all their photos have been.
It would take unbelievably shit photos too.
What matters on a camera isn't megapixels, it's the diameter of aperture and the size of the sensor. But large sensor with an aperture only a couple of millimetres wide will be useless in anything over than outside in the middle of the day.
Cameras on phones are crap.
People will realise this only when it's too late to go back and take better quality photos... probably as soon as they have a MBP Retina thingy and realise how low quality all their photos have been.