There is no calculation for wind resistance built in Rowhan. So if you ride within a group your figures will be distorted. Likewise if you ride with a tailwind, a headwind or behind someone.
I emailed Support after I 1st signed up to Strava to get them to take down a ridiculous 5mins power figure (500 watts or something) that came about from a training ride I did with 30 other riders including Sharon Laws and some very fast people. Obviously it wasn't me putting out the power!
There is no calculation for wind resistance built in Rowhan. So if you ride within a group your figures will be distorted. Likewise if you ride with a tailwind, a headwind or behind someone.
I emailed Support after I 1st signed up to Strava to get them to take down a ridiculous 5mins power figure (500 watts or something) that came about from a training ride I did with 30 other riders including Sharon Laws and some very fast people. Obviously it wasn't me putting out the power!