Does anyone who's previously injured their face know how I can get dried pus out of my hair? I have a couple of dressings that leaked early after my accident when my body was in overdrive and I have this shit matted into my eyelashes, eyebrow and hair. It's horrendous.
I've seen warm water on a washcloth suggested but thus far no luck with that - still feels like I'm gonna tear my eyelashes out.
Gross question time:
Does anyone who's previously injured their face know how I can get dried pus out of my hair? I have a couple of dressings that leaked early after my accident when my body was in overdrive and I have this shit matted into my eyelashes, eyebrow and hair. It's horrendous.
I've seen warm water on a washcloth suggested but thus far no luck with that - still feels like I'm gonna tear my eyelashes out.