God, that sucks MM! Insurance? Rice? Freezer?
I've already rinsed our home insurance on it :(
Turning it on will kill it not the spillage alone. As long as you've not done that (or even if you have briefly) it might be savable.
To clean it properly you'll need to open it up and use isopropanol or methanol which can rinse the electronics and evaporate quickly.
There should be a picture guide on a forum somewhere about how to do it.
Thanks, I wish I'd known that before :(
Don't forget to take the battery out...
I've never done that - will figure out how to...
A note for you.
Macs are full of moisture sensitive indicators. If you go into apple shop and tell them your laptop just stopped working for some strange reason, they will know you are lying. But also remember that genius bar staff have a lot of power at their fingertips, they can issue free repairs on anything they feel like. So be nice.
I'm not so sure they can nowadays but I'm booked in for Tuesday - will be on a charm offensive and see what happens...
I'm expecting this to be a very expensive week...