Oh my. I have just stumbled across a few typically poetic and humorous DunRun reports Barry Mason did back in the noughties.
It would appear that once he had it in mind to cycle back too:
"And of course, once we've packed them onto the coach, we cycle back to
London. Natch.
Bring your swimmie, it washes it all away, you're off to a new start. Clean
slate. Fresh bum."
Oh my. I have just stumbled across a few typically poetic and humorous DunRun reports Barry Mason did back in the noughties.
It would appear that once he had it in mind to cycle back too:
"And of course, once we've packed them onto the coach, we cycle back to
London. Natch.
Bring your swimmie, it washes it all away, you're off to a new start. Clean
slate. Fresh bum."