I was leaning more towards using a BMX on rainy days, rest days, when I have just ridden long, or maybe when I just dont feel like riding my TT bike, and as you said, there is nothing wrong with a bit of fun.
Taking into account the above, would the benefits outweigh the cost? (>£200)
I am also looking for a bike to do a 3 mile pub commute on, I figured as 99.9% of BMX riding is done standing up, it would also increase my out of saddle skill/efficiency, which I do lack in at the moment.
I was leaning more towards using a BMX on rainy days, rest days, when I have just ridden long, or maybe when I just dont feel like riding my TT bike, and as you said, there is nothing wrong with a bit of fun.
Taking into account the above, would the benefits outweigh the cost? (>£200)
I am also looking for a bike to do a 3 mile pub commute on, I figured as 99.9% of BMX riding is done standing up, it would also increase my out of saddle skill/efficiency, which I do lack in at the moment.