Whether or not I am a dickhead is open to debate. Perhaps I am, perhaps not. I like to think the people who have met me would agree that I am not. My point is and this is still bugging me, what gives one person the right to shout at another if their behaviour has no bearing on them. I was waiting at a set of lights this morning at the top of Portland Place. They were live lights (cars coming from left and right) yet three cyclists jumped them. Way more dangerous than my left on red. Yet it never crossed my mind for a single instance to call them out. And if I had, I could have quite rightly expect to be told to fuck off.
I can see the moral argument as raised by RPM but by me offending someone's general moral principals by breaking the lax (mildly) he moved it to the particular by insulting me directly. Not only that, he struck a blow to the core of my being. I absolutely fucking hate being told what to do. This goes back to my authoritarian up-brining and anger management issues. I don't need a psychologist to tell me that. I'm still fuming about it as I type.
Where does he draw the line. Dogs not on leads in parks? People dropping cigarette butts in the street? I'm still struggling with this one.
My personal opinion was and it's an easy one. Mr A type didn't have a good start to his day. And I hope he felt even worse after I abused him.
Good point and one which I was expecting.
Whether or not I am a dickhead is open to debate. Perhaps I am, perhaps not. I like to think the people who have met me would agree that I am not. My point is and this is still bugging me, what gives one person the right to shout at another if their behaviour has no bearing on them. I was waiting at a set of lights this morning at the top of Portland Place. They were live lights (cars coming from left and right) yet three cyclists jumped them. Way more dangerous than my left on red. Yet it never crossed my mind for a single instance to call them out. And if I had, I could have quite rightly expect to be told to fuck off.
I can see the moral argument as raised by RPM but by me offending someone's general moral principals by breaking the lax (mildly) he moved it to the particular by insulting me directly. Not only that, he struck a blow to the core of my being. I absolutely fucking hate being told what to do. This goes back to my authoritarian up-brining and anger management issues. I don't need a psychologist to tell me that. I'm still fuming about it as I type.
Where does he draw the line. Dogs not on leads in parks? People dropping cigarette butts in the street? I'm still struggling with this one.
My personal opinion was and it's an easy one. Mr A type didn't have a good start to his day. And I hope he felt even worse after I abused him.