Acknowledging the fright to the rider and their family, must've been awful situation to have found themselves in.
The main purpose was to draw attention to the dangers of the bridge so that the LBHF might finally do something about it. A 20mph speed limit at least.
Sounds reasonable. Was attention drawn to those who make the decisions?
A secondary purpose was to tell cyclists to hold the lane goig all the way across in a dominant position, so they would not get squeezed. As the day was cool and it was a very long holiday weekend and halfterm there was hardly any other cyclists around to show this to.
Nice intention, however would the other cyclists be receptive to having their journey interrupted to be "educated". It might be received like being chugged or approached by a scientologist when walking down the street...
Ther was discussion as to whether we should have banners, placards, leaflets to tell car drivers and others what we are doing. Should our purpose be to cause as much disruption as possible. Should we be going around the gyratory and King street in our loops. Should this be done in the rush hour.
Now this is the sort of stuff that should be decided upon beforehand. **Bold **conjures up images of barricades and tree houses being built.
As well meaning as it all is, I still can't help but feel it isn't a very effective way of bringing about the changes wanted, as reasoned in the circles we discussed over the weekend.
Acknowledging the fright to the rider and their family, must've been awful situation to have found themselves in.
As well meaning as it all is, I still can't help but feel it isn't a very effective way of bringing about the changes wanted, as reasoned in the circles we discussed over the weekend.