And a dark cloud has been hanging over my head - am I going to regret not buying a full sensor camera?
I've been FF and back again. It ain't the holy grail pixel peepers make it out to be. A few years ago the APS-C / FF divide was probably bigger (I remember trying a D300 when I had my D3 and being pretty underwhelmed) but I'd say I get as nice images out of my APS-C X100 as I do out of my (before I sold it) and my girlfrends 5Ds.
I've been FF and back again. It ain't the holy grail pixel peepers make it out to be. A few years ago the APS-C / FF divide was probably bigger (I remember trying a D300 when I had my D3 and being pretty underwhelmed) but I'd say I get as nice images out of my APS-C X100 as I do out of my (before I sold it) and my girlfrends 5Ds.
Is your Hassy film or digi?