I've said it before, but I did something similar for a uni project ages ago but didn't have a gps at the time so drew it all by hand. Took forever. This is rather handy. Agree with broadening route library, but it's nice to see the ones in odd directions I'd forgotten I'd done.
It doesn't seem to have pulled everything in, it's missing Dunwich, a few Brighton rides and some other bits and bobs, but makes a nice picture.
I've said it before, but I did something similar for a uni project ages ago but didn't have a gps at the time so drew it all by hand. Took forever. This is rather handy. Agree with broadening route library, but it's nice to see the ones in odd directions I'd forgotten I'd done.
It doesn't seem to have pulled everything in, it's missing Dunwich, a few Brighton rides and some other bits and bobs, but makes a nice picture.