Reread ze post ( i was asking about TBC's frames) i am fully aware of Dolan's reputation, i only found this frame after seeriously considering a Pre Cursa but being rather dissalusioned when my LBS called me down to see one they were building for another customer.
Also forgot to mention the Logos on the Pre cursa are pretty horrible and i did read a couple fo disturbing reports about the frames cracking near the BB housing...
Reread ze post ( i was asking about TBC's frames) i am fully aware of Dolan's reputation, i only found this frame after seeriously considering a Pre Cursa but being rather dissalusioned when my LBS called me down to see one they were building for another customer.
Also forgot to mention the Logos on the Pre cursa are pretty horrible and i did read a couple fo disturbing reports about the frames cracking near the BB housing...