Three swims today in Folky, totalling 2.5 hours. 12 degrees sans wettie was lovely, given I was struggling to last an hour with wettie in 11 degrees a month ago.
Importantly, what is the point in having a Navy if they don't torpedo jet skis on sight? Dickmobiles.
Psychological ? The sun was out and you felt happier about swimming in the sea, plus you warm up quicker.
Aye ! the most dangerous thing about open water swimming is other ejits in/on motorised vehicles. ( is vehicle the right word to use ?)
I went to guildford lido with the family.... packed, but very pretty setting.
Psychological ? The sun was out and you felt happier about swimming in the sea, plus you warm up quicker.
Aye ! the most dangerous thing about open water swimming is other ejits in/on motorised vehicles. ( is vehicle the right word to use ?)
I went to guildford lido with the family.... packed, but very pretty setting.