Received this today, initial impression was it doesn't feel as nicely built as my FAGH, mechanism isn't as smooth, it's a bit rattly and even keys feel a bit cheap and plasticky. This is fairly irrelevent though, at less than half the price I paid for my FAGH, and it does come with 5 keys!
Mechanism seems good, locking on both sides fagh style, and although not as menacing as the FAGH, it's a fair chunk of lock. My mind is much more at rest with this than the evo, and compared to the other locks on the stand around me, I don't think the opportunistic pikey will be choosing my lock to pick on. At £25 as well I'm happy to have it and leave it at work.
Received this today, initial impression was it doesn't feel as nicely built as my FAGH, mechanism isn't as smooth, it's a bit rattly and even keys feel a bit cheap and plasticky. This is fairly irrelevent though, at less than half the price I paid for my FAGH, and it does come with 5 keys!
Mechanism seems good, locking on both sides fagh style, and although not as menacing as the FAGH, it's a fair chunk of lock. My mind is much more at rest with this than the evo, and compared to the other locks on the stand around me, I don't think the opportunistic pikey will be choosing my lock to pick on. At £25 as well I'm happy to have it and leave it at work.