Going back to siesta for a minute, it only works if you work within walking striking distance of your home which might have been a good idea once upon a time when people generally did, thing is, most don't any more.
If you're one of the lucky ones who still have a job in recession ravaged spain, you might well work an hour or more's drive away. Starting at 7am and finishing at 9pm with a 3 hour siesta in the middle of the day sudden;y doesn;t seem so attractive if your civilised siesta is taken up with a 2.5 hour round trip. Invariably you end up working though it to make up for the slack caused by lucky locals having a long lunch and nap. Doubly so if you work in any kind of business that's dealing with overseas customers because the rest of the worls doesn't siesta...
Have friends in exactly this situation and it sucks. One poor bloke never sees his young family and is permanently shattered. Can't leave for fear of not being able to find another job.
Going back to siesta for a minute, it only works if you work within walking striking distance of your home which might have been a good idea once upon a time when people generally did, thing is, most don't any more.
If you're one of the lucky ones who still have a job in recession ravaged spain, you might well work an hour or more's drive away. Starting at 7am and finishing at 9pm with a 3 hour siesta in the middle of the day sudden;y doesn;t seem so attractive if your civilised siesta is taken up with a 2.5 hour round trip. Invariably you end up working though it to make up for the slack caused by lucky locals having a long lunch and nap. Doubly so if you work in any kind of business that's dealing with overseas customers because the rest of the worls doesn't siesta...
Have friends in exactly this situation and it sucks. One poor bloke never sees his young family and is permanently shattered. Can't leave for fear of not being able to find another job.
Siestas = overrated.