Here's a photo of the stickered V1. I have more but unfortunately they're not loading just now..
I think they look decent but unfortunately they wear extremely badly and are chipping and cracking even after such a short period of time :( if it were one complete sticker I think it'd fair better.
Also jut put on a new front tyre (Conti Grand Prix 4000s, 25c) and super light tubes so have shaved off about 200g..
Here's a photo of the stickered V1. I have more but unfortunately they're not loading just now..
I think they look decent but unfortunately they wear extremely badly and are chipping and cracking even after such a short period of time :( if it were one complete sticker I think it'd fair better.
Also jut put on a new front tyre (Conti Grand Prix 4000s, 25c) and super light tubes so have shaved off about 200g..
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