The internet tells me that the 2007 Potenza was made out of Dedacciai Zero Replica, so maybe the seat-tube is not as bad as the Dedacciai 14.5 one on the Pistas?
When I cut the shim out I cut through the tube slightly, near to the slot on the rear - the tubing is really thin - so if you do try and remove, be careful. And there was residue of glue in the tube, which would be best to remove by reaming. I used a longer shim for a while, I can't remember the size it was, but it was too thin so I bulked it up by putting insulation tape on it, till it became a good fit.
Thanks for the info. Sadly I don't think the quality of the tubing is going to be too much of an issue. I was hoping that as it's a Potenza Ltd Ed. it would be less prone to cracking but the shim ends above the top tube so it's bound to crack at some point. I was hoping I could cut the shim, ream the tube then fit an OS post... I'm guessing Condor aren't going to be much help if it does crack, with a 2nd hand 5yr old+ bike thats been resprayed. I'm not a heavy rider, I love the bike though, I'd be gutted if it went. There's no Potenzas on ^that list tho...
Thanks for the info. Sadly I don't think the quality of the tubing is going to be too much of an issue. I was hoping that as it's a Potenza Ltd Ed. it would be less prone to cracking but the shim ends above the top tube so it's bound to crack at some point. I was hoping I could cut the shim, ream the tube then fit an OS post... I'm guessing Condor aren't going to be much help if it does crack, with a 2nd hand 5yr old+ bike thats been resprayed. I'm not a heavy rider, I love the bike though, I'd be gutted if it went. There's no Potenzas on ^that list tho...