There are some big tournaments coming up in the next 3 months, and I'm sure lots of teams, both top teams, and newer teams, want to practice as a team, I certainly do.
We have enough courts and players to have a throw in session going on at the same time now, and as Jono says, people are more than welcome to make one-off teams, or turn up and hope 2 more people turn up (or even rotate between 4 or 5 people).
In the end it's going to happen anyway, but it would be nicer, and easier for everyone if it's done in the open.
+1 to Jono.
There are some big tournaments coming up in the next 3 months, and I'm sure lots of teams, both top teams, and newer teams, want to practice as a team, I certainly do.
We have enough courts and players to have a throw in session going on at the same time now, and as Jono says, people are more than welcome to make one-off teams, or turn up and hope 2 more people turn up (or even rotate between 4 or 5 people).
In the end it's going to happen anyway, but it would be nicer, and easier for everyone if it's done in the open.