Exactly. It can be in small print, so it all fits on the back, and there is nothing like having a copy to hand (otherwise no-one will read it).
If the rules were put on one side of A4, they would be so small as to be unreadable without a magnifying glass.
Because there aren't any there. At Ladies Army I really wanted to know the rules before I would ref. I had to go back to the hotel and print them off, just to be able to read them.
Maybe 2 copies by registration? More than that is not necessary, in my view.
There should be some there, I can just imagine lots of copies getting chucked about if they are given to everyone to keep hold of.
If the rules were put on one side of A4, they would be so small as to be unreadable without a magnifying glass.
Maybe 2 copies by registration? More than that is not necessary, in my view.